So you find yourself asking…

what is this all about?

This is explicitly a FAT POSITIVE space.

It felt important to me to create a space that is open and wildly honest about the struggles that face people in fat bodies.

This fat positive practice is an approach to promoting positive body image that is rooted in the belief that every body is a good body, regardless of its size or shape. It seeks to challenge and dismantle the societal norms and structures that perpetuate fatphobia, including racism, misogyny, and classism. My goal is to work with clients to improve their relationship with their body, and promote self-love, acceptance and respect for their bodies as they are, instead of trying to conform to unrealistic and unhealthy beauty standards.

I believe in the Health at Every Size (HAES) approach and understand that this work is an important tool in the fight against weight stigma and discrimination, and can lead to greater self-confidence, body positivity, and mental and emotional well-being.

My Services

  • Only offered for individuals residing in the state of Tennessee

    Individual therapy is the foundation for healing! Think of this as starting your journey to build a house, an individual therapist is going to help lay the foundation and build the walls that you need. It creates a safe space to work on deep rooted issues.

    Pricing: $150/hr (sliding scale options available)

  • Body image coaching is a type of coaching that helps individuals develop a positive relationship with their body. It can involve working on things like improving self-confidence, accepting flaws and imperfections, and challenging negative beliefs about body size and shape. Body image coaching can help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in their body, regardless of societal beauty standards.

    Pricing: $150/hr (sliding scale options available)

  • Community and connection are so important when doing this work! We will continue to offer on going community workshops, weekly groups and intensives. Click here to reach out about current group offerings.

  • If you are a professional hoping to learn more about fatphobia and body image work, how to develop a fat-positive practice or are interested in trainings for your staff, click here!


  • The best way to figure that out is to send me a message, you can do that by clicking here!

    I can only work with therapy clients that reside in the state of Tennessee.

  • Body image coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on helping individuals develop a positive and healthy relationship with their body. It can involve working on things like improving self-esteem, challenging negative beliefs about body size and shape, and developing self-care practices. Body image coaching is designed to help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin, and to improve their overall social, physical and mental well-being.

  • Therapy and body image coaching are two different approaches to addressing mental health concerns related to body image. While therapy typically involves working with a licensed mental health professional to explore and address deeper issues related to body image and self-esteem, body image coaching is focused on developing practical skills and strategies to improve body image and self-confidence. Body image coaching often incorporates elements of positive psychology, mindfulness, and self-care practices to promote a more positive and healthy relationship with one's body. Ultimately, both therapy and body image coaching can be effective tools for addressing body image concerns, but they differ in their approaches and goals.

  • That’s a great question and can depend on a lot of different factors! The best way is to schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation with me. We can go over your concerns and goals to decide if a therapist or coach is a better fit. I’m happy to assist in finding a therapist for you if that is the route that makes the most sense! You can schedule that call here!

  • The use of the term "fat" in fat positivity and fat acceptance movements is about reclaiming the word from its negative connotations and stigma in society. By using the word "fat" as a neutral descriptor, these movements aim to promote body positivity and challenge harmful beauty ideals that prioritize thinness. Using the term "fat" allows individuals to embrace and celebrate their bodies as they are, rather than feeling shame or embarrassment over their size or shape. Ultimately, the use of the term "fat" in fat positivity is about promoting self-acceptance, respect, and celebration for all body types.

  • Of course! Everyone can benefit from body image coaching! It is important for me, as a fat activist, that people know this is a fat positive space but that doesn’t mean that I cannot/won’t work with folks in different bodies. Body acceptance is for everyone!